Saturday, April 27, 2024

 It's been five years since I have heard from you my friend. You are often on my mind and always in my heart. Wherever you are, I hope you are safe, healthy and happy. And I sincerely hope your children are thriving . 

We had a special connection, you and I. Once in a while, I feel your presence quite strongly, as I did tonight. I sometimes go to the blogs to read some of our posts. We did a good job on them..

Stay well and be happy.

Your friend for life


Thursday, February 20, 2020

YOU are gone from my sight but never from my heart. Rather than mourn your absence, I will be grateful for the friendship that we shared for more than eleven years. It meant the world to me.
 Wherever you are, may you be surrounded by love and beauty.
Your friend for life

Monday, December 23, 2019

Where are you my friends??? Please contact me. Please!

Friday, December 13, 2019

Monday, November 25, 2019

Words to ponder

When I ask small children what they hope for when they grow up, they often tell me what job they want - how they want to become pilots, doctors, nurses or teachers. Perhaps because it is so self-evident, very few reply simply that they want to be happy. But isn't it true, however differently we may express it, as living beings what we all have in common is a wish, at the very core of our hearts, to be happy. Therefore it’s worth looking at how happiness can be brought about.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Costume fun

Halloween isn’t just a spooky holiday filled with ghost, goblins, and ghouls. It’s also a big moneymaker. CNBC estimated in September 2017 that $9.1 billion would be spent on Halloween. Of that total, $3.4 billion would be shelled out for costumes. The average consumer will spend $86.13 on their costume and honestly, it will probably be duplicated by at least a few of their friends.
If you want to be unique, you might want to take a closer look at the holiday’s most inventive and completely-homemade costumes. ….
Official costume of a dubious chef

Anglerfish  from the extreme depths of the ocean
This guy’s costume was easy to create too. He simply blew up a stock photo, cut out the guy’s head, and attached the photo to his body.
Amazon Prime meets Optimus Prime.
Oogie Boogie Has Never Looked So Adorable
Smart phone on fire
Baby president
Happy Halloween!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Bahamas two weeks later


Search teams scour Bahamas wreckage            

At least 50 people have died as a result of Hurricane Dorian, a number that is expected to rise as search operations continue.Two weeks after the category five storm devastated parts of the island chain, thousands have been left without homes and essentials such as water and electricity.
Hurricane Dorian caused the most destruction in the Bahamas. According to the Associated Press, when Dorian struck the Bahamas it was as a Category 5 hurricane with 295 kilometre per hour winds and obliterated thousands of homes.
An estimated 50 people have been confirmed dead, but thousands have been reported as missing on, a website where loved ones can enter names of individuals who remain unaccounted for. Aerial footage over the islands shows enormous wreckage. Crews are anticipated to be scouring through the debris for weeks.
Although the official death toll stands at 50 according to a statement by the Royal Bahamas Police Force, aid workers and some residents are reporting significantly higher numbers of bodies than what the official government figures currently suggest.
Observers on the ground estimated the final death count could be as high as 3,000 in just two neighborhoods on the Abaco Islands.
Canadian firefighters arrive to assist local authorities to search for victims, living or dead and distribute much needed supplies of water and food

Canadian firefighters bring cadaver dogs to search the wreckage
 Marsh Harbour Bahamas - Stray dog searches for food
 Marsh Harbour area destruction